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G&G ARMAMENT 怪怪貿易股份有限公司

未成年人需成人陪伴操作/使用電動槍時需配戴護目鏡/粗心或濫用電動槍容易造成自己及他人身體上的傷害/不能將槍口對人或動物/不能私自拆解或改造電動槍/操作電動槍前請確實研讀使用說明書/買家及玩家購買,使用電動槍需遵守各國當地法令與規定 / 槍使用完畢請拔除電池 / 電池充電完畢後請拔除充電線 / 請勿靠近火源或高溫處



智利 [ Chile ] ( 2020.03.15 )
✵ 2020.03.15tigerland Airsoft 


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✵ 2019.11.24Partida Abierta Tigerland Airsoft 


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☛ Click on the link to learn more photos

✵ 2019.09.22Partida Abierta Tigerland Airsoft 


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✵ 2018.10.20 Final Nacional Copa G&G Chile 


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✵ 2018.05.06 IV Masivo de G&G en Tigerland 


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✵ 2017.12 Torneo G&G Teletón Chile 


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☛ Click on the link to learn more photos

✵ 2017.12 Tercer Masivo de G&G 


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✵ 2017.10 Guerreros del Desierto 


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✵ 報章雜誌 


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✵ 2017.08 Guerra de Carteles 


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✵ 2017.07 Codigo Pirata 


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✵ 2017.05 Primer Masivo G&G de Real Action Tigerland 


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✵ 2017.05 Tigerland Airsoft 


☛ Click on the link to learn more photos

✵ 2017.03 Copa G&G Chile 


☛ Click on the link to learn more photos